It's Not About Perfection

It's Not About Perfection

Nobody's perfect...Whether that be in parenting, diet, exercise, work, or home.

Have your cake and eat it, too!


Even the instagram fitness enthusiasts skip a day and eat pizza, so can you.

If you've checked out my instagram, you've seen my food creations. Sometimes they're healthy salads, sometimes it's pizza and fries. It's called balance, people! I would be lying if I told you that I love to eat salad for every meal or that I get up early and exercise everyday. I live my day by how I'm feeling. If I wake up feeling engergized, because the baby slept the whole night, I am more likely to eat a piece of fruit and head to the gym. If I wake up feeling exhausted, I head straight to the pantry for a big bagel and veggie cream cheese.

You can't beat yourself up for not sticking to a strict healthy diet or exercise regimine. Just get up everyday and do your best for how you feel. Life is about really living. Enjoying things and seeing things (and if that involves your couch and netflix today, then so be it!). Hell, last night I stayed up until 2 am watching shameless in my bed while eating pancakes...and I don't feel bad about it. Neither should you.

So whether it's cucumbers and hummus or oreos and almond milk, just do you. Don't strive for perfection, because you'll only set yourself up for failure. Strive for feeling good.

Be there to lift others up, not put them down.

Recently, I posted a photo of my kids' dinner on a facebook page that was meant to be a supportive mom group. The original poster had asked what everyone was eating that night, so I added my photo comment. Oh, boy. I got torn apart by women who blamed me for stealing the picture from the internet, and that no one feeds their kids food that looks that pretty. I also had one lady attack me because I had put parsley on top of the dish. She said "what kind of mom garnishes their child's food?!" My kids happen to like parsley, and putting it on their food sometimes makes them smile and giggle because they feel "fancy". I left that group faster than they could kick me out for my "unrealistic kid food".

Point of the story is, no matter if you're doing good or bad in life, someone will be there to criticize you. There's no such thing as perfect, and nobody should strive for it.

Much Love,


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