Hearty Salad

Hearty Salad

This isn't your ordinary salad, peeps. This salad was created as a super filling, energy making meal.

Big salad with grilled portabello mushroom and baked potato kristincooksplants.com


*Green Leaf Lettuce

*1 Portabello Mushroom or 2 Baby Bellas

*Cauliflower or Broccoli

*1 Green Onion

*Sliced Tomato or halved cherry tomatoes

*1/4 Head Sliced Green Cabbage

*1 Small Steamed or Baked Potato (I used a Yukon Gold)

*1 Rib of Celery

*Handful of your favorite nuts or seeds (I used pistachios)

*1 Tbs Hemp Hearts

*Half of a Lemon

*1/4 cup Veggie Broth (recipe here)


1. Steam or bake your potato (I used my electric pressure cooker)

2. In a small frying pan, heat 1/4 cup veggie broth or water. Place mushroom gill side down, cover and reduce heat to medium low. Flip halfway through and add your favorite seasoning (I used garlic salt).

3. Chop all veggies and put in a bowl.

4. Once your potato and mushroom are cooked, place them in the bowl, too.

5. Squeeze your lemon over the salad, and sprinkle on the hemp hearts. Add additional dressing if you like.

There you have it, a super fuel, super food salad. Devour and take on the day!

Keep cooking, friends!


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