Creamy Vegan Mac and Cheese

Creamy Vegan Mac and Cheese

I’ve spent nearly two years trying to find a decent vegan Mac & Cheese, and have only come across ones that were just “meh”. But today, folks, today was the day my Mac & Cheese dreams came true!

We had just finished grocery shopping and got home to find out my dog had chewed through his bandage from his surgery yesterday. I have a serious obsession with medical shows, so I was like “we got this”, and with all the confidence in the world, I sat and watched as my husband re-bandage our dog. Hey, I brought the box of “wound care” supplies to him, so I was kind of like the assistant to the chief of surgery.

Anyways… after all of that was taken care of and the groceries were put away, I had to whip up something quick for dinner because it was getting late and everyone was hangry (hungry and angry, if you didn’t know). I decided noodles was our best bet since it’s super easy, and I’m so glad I did! I didn’t want to feed my family plain noodles with salt, so I decided to throw together a cheese sauce to compliment the cavatappi noodles.

If you’re still with me, and ready to read this recipe so you can go make it yourself, here it is!

Creamy Vegan Macaroni and Cheese recipe


*2 cups unsweetened almond milk

*1 1/2 cups shredded Daiya cheddar

*2 tbs vegan butter

*1 tsp minced garlic

*1 tbs nutritional yeast

*1/2 tsp onion powder

*1 tsp salt

*5 cups cavatappi pasta


  1. In a medium saucepan, heat butter and garlic on medium, stirring until butter is melted.

  2. Add remaining ingredients (except for the noodles), whisk together and reduce heat to low, stirring often.

  3. Boil water in a large pot, and cook the pasta per instructions.

  4. Drain and rinse pasta, put back in pot, then stir in the sauce until noodles are coated.

  5. Add pepper if you like, and enjoy!

Creamy Vegan Mac & Cheese Recipe

I hope you enjoy this as much as my family did! Now go out and get your carb on!

Keep cooking, friends!


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