Stuffed Butternut Squash

Stuffed Butternut Squash

Baked and stuffed with wild rice, steamed kale, and roasted garlic thyme walnuts. The flavor is full of crisp fall evenings.

Roasted Walnut and rice stuffed butternut squash recipe vegan

I'm not gonna lie, these walnuts look burnt because they are. I burnt the shit out of them on accident, but I didn't have time or extra walnuts to start over. I've adjusted the recipe so this shit doesn't happen to you! You're welcome :)


*1 large butternut squash

*2 Cups coarsely chopped walnuts

*3-4 Cups chopped kale

*3 Cups cooked wild rice

*Olive Oil

*1 tbsp vegetable bouillon

*2 tsp thyme

*2 tsp garlic salt


1. Preheat your oven to 375

2. In a small bowl add thyme, garlic salt, 2 tsp olive oil, and walnuts. Toss to coat.

3. Spread walnuts on a baking sheet or small pan and bake for 10 minutes.

4. Cut squash in half lengthwise. Be careful, squash is difficult to cut! Scoop out the seeds from the bottom half and discard.

5. Place the two halves face-down in a pan and put in the oven for 1 hour.

6. Boil water in a pot and cook rice per instructions (I used Zatarains long-grain rice).

7. While squash and rice are cooking, put 1/4 cup water and the bouillon in a frying pan. Heat and stir until mixed. Add kale and cover to steam for 5 minutes.

8. Remove squash and poke with a fork to check for tenderness. It should be soft.

9. Scoop out a few spoonfuls of squash from the long portion to make a place for the remaining ingredients to sit.

10. Spoon the rice evenly into each half of the squash. Then top with kale, and walnuts.

11. Serve and enjoy!

Walnut and rice stuffed butternut squash recipe vegan

Keep cooking, friends!


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