Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Blueberry Breakfast Cake

It's fluffy, moist, sweet, vegan, and easy to make. Cake is now a breakfast food, HOORAY

Recipe for Vegan Lemon blueberry breakfast cake


*1/2 cup vegan buttermilk

(Unsweetened almond milk & white vinegar, see how-to in directions)

*1/4 cup unsweetened plain applesauce

*1 cup plus 1 tbs white sugar

*Zest of 1 large lemon

*2 cups fresh blueberries

*1 tsp salt

*2 tsp baking powder

*1 tsp vanilla

*1/2 cup vegan baking butter (1 stick) softened

*2 cups all purpose flour

Recipe for Vegan Lemon Blueberry breakfast cake


1. Make the buttermilk by putting 1/2 tbs white vinegar in a liquid measuring cup and then fill it to the 1/2 cup mark with almond milk. Stir and set aside.

2. Preheat oven to 350 F.

3. Zest your lemon and put the zest in a mixing bowl.

4. Add sugar and softened butter to the mixing bowl and cream together.

5. Add applesauce and vanilla, mixing just until incorporated.

6. Put your blueberries in a separate bowl and toss in 1/4 cup flour. Set aside.

7. In a separate bowl mix together the remaining flour, baking powder, and salt.

8. Pour half the flour mixture in your mixing bowl and mix.

9. Add the buttermilk then mix again.

10. Add the remaining 1 3/4 cups flour, mix until incorporated.

11. Fold in the blueberries gently, then put batter in a greased 8x8 baking dish. Batter will be thick and sticky, just spread it around as evenly as you can.

12. Sprinkle 1 tbs sugar over the top and bake for 35 minutes. Check if it's done by placing a toothpick in the middle. If the toothpick comes out dry, it's done. If it's wet, put cake back in and continue to check until toothpick comes out dry.

13. Let cool a few minutes before serving.

This is my go-to Christmas morning breakfast dish! It's one of the best cakes I've ever had. I got this recipe originally (pre-vegan days) on pinterest from, but have made it vegan this year and it's even better now! I definitely won't be saving this recipe for Christmas only anymore!

Now, go share with your friends so they can make this, too. They'll thank you for it!

Keep cooking, friends!


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