Kristin Cooks Plants

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Vegan Nachos

NACHOS!!! So many variations, but always delicious (even more yummy if they're vegan!).


Amount of ingredients depend on how many people you're feeding.

*Bag of tortilla chips

*Black olives (chopped)

*Chopped Lettuce

*Chopped Onion

*Salsa (optional)

*Gardein brand Chipotle burgers (optional)

*1 can black beans

*Cheeze Sauce (Recipe here)


1. Prepare your cheeze sauce.

2. In a frying pan, cook the burger patties, flipping occasionally as to not burn (about 7 minutes). Once done, remove from pan and chop into small pieces.

3. Rinse and drain can of black beans. Heat in a sauce pan or in the microwave.

4. In a serving tray (I used a glass baking dish), put a layer of chips on the bottom, then layer half of your ingredients on top of the chips, and drizzle on a decent amount of cheeze sauce. Add another layer of chips, ingredients, and cheeze sauce. Top with chopped lettuce, and salsa (optional).

5. Serve!

Keep cooking, friends!
