Italian Chik'n Skillet

Italian Chik'n Skillet

This is a great main dish to serve on top of rice, next to pasta, or with roasted veggies! This meal is super quick, easy, and delizioso (look, ma! I learned an Italian word!)!

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*1 package of vegan chick'n strips (I used Morning Star brand)

*1 can of diced tomatoes

*1/2 tbs Italian seasoning

*5 fresh basil leaves chopped

*1 tsp garlic powder


1. Put all ingredients in a large frying pan and stir well.

2. Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally for 15 minutes.

3. Remove from heat and stir in chopped basil leaves.

4. Serve by itself, or along side rice, pasta, fresh bread (recipe here), or roasted veggies!

Keep cooking, friends!


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