Kristin Cooks Plants

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Banana Nice Cream

Indulge in a treat without ruining your diet! Nice cream has the consistency of soft serve ice cream, you can add any flavorings you like, and it comes without the cruelty of the dairy industry, yay! Read my blog post about the dairy industry here.


*3 frozen bananas

*Splash of dairy free milk

*Optional flavorings:

Cocoa powder, peanut/almond butter, mint (pictured), agave nectar, vanilla extract, frozen berries, chocolate chips, etc.


1. When your bananas start to get spotty, instead of throwing them out peel them and break into thirds. Put them in a freezer bag or Tupperware in your freezer until you're ready to make nice cream! I actually buy an extra bunch of bananas every week to freeze!

2. Put the frozen bananas in a high speed blender or food processor. Add a splash of dairy free milk, your flavorings (if you choose to flavor), and puree until smooth. This may take up to 5 minutes, so make friends with your blender!

3. Scoop out into a bowl and enjoy!

You could also make this for breakfast in lieu of a smoothie, as it's packed with potassium, fiber, and is gentle on the tummy for easy digestion!

See this content in the original post

My kids get super excited for this as their after dinner treat! Little do they know, it's my way of sneaking extra nutrition into their growing little bodies. Moms gotta be a little sneaky these days with all that crappy food out there!

Keep cooking, friends!
