Kristin Cooks Plants

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Have you ever seen the hashtag AFOTS? Probably not, but after reading this, you will know what it is!

#AFOTS is an animal rights movement that was created 1 year ago, today by Izzy Jacobus. The purpose of the movement is to bring awareness to the cruelties of the animal agriculture industry.

So what is it?

The symbol to the right represents a fork and knife crossed on a plate, which is what you do when you are finished with your meal. You abstain, or fast, from food for 24 hours. The movement happens on the second day of every month, hence "Animals First on the Second".

Why do it?

In the farmed animal industry, animals are deprived of food and water for 24-72 hours before they are slaughtered. The purpose of this is to have a cleaner kill floor, and also the animal is weaker and unable to fight their killers. I don't have to tell you why this seems horrendous, because it is. The animals have already lived a life of slavery and torture, only to have their only sustenance taken from them, furthering their suffering.

Seems like some weird stuff, doesn't it?

No, I don't join a bunch of vegans in a circle and do some weird ritual (come on, I know that's what you're all thinking), nor do I run around town harrassing people. It's a non-violent movement to just bring awareness to the issue. I continue my day as normal, just without food. It's actually healthy to fast occassionally as it resets your body! If anyone were to see my hand and ask about it, I would just have a calm conversation with them.

A lot of what I do is show you all how easy and delicious vegan food can be, but the other part of that is why I do it. I do it for the animals. I do it because we don't need to eat them to survive, and we definitely don't need to be using them as commodities for products and convenience. I do it for future generations, including my own children, who we are leaving a broken and polluted world to.

Got questions? Let's have a conversation.

#AFOTS on twitter, instagram, and facebook


With kindness and compassion,
