Kristin Cooks Plants

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Vegan Donuts

I’ve been on a bit of a health kick recently, chowing down on raw veggies, fruits, and giant salads. I’m currently even trying (once again) to track my daily calories… summer’s coming! So I deserve this donut, because I’ve been doing so good!

I didn’t have time to come up with a donut recipe for these, so I used a recipe from

My second-grader’s teacher assistant messaged me at 11:30 am telling me that they would be having donuts in class as a treat, but wanted to know if there were any vegan alternatives my daughter could have. Unfortunately, where I live, there are NO vegan donut places.. whaaaaaaaaa. I didn’t want my daughter to feel left out, so I took to the internet to find a recipe I could quickly whip up and deliver in just a couple hours.

I’m so glad I found this recipe so easily, because it’s the bomb, you guys. It was super easy to make with minimal ingredients and it has a cake-y texture, and oh my I do love me some cake! I was not sure how they would turn out, but I was excited to use my brand new donut pan I just bought (just in time, right?!).

After I baked them, I put a couple in a tupperware and high-tailed it to the school. I got there just in time to present these amazing little circles of goodness to my eagerly awaiting daughter. She LOVED them! I’m now inspired to play around with donut recipes and hopefully come up with some super tasty ones!


INGREDIENTS: (makes 6 donuts)

*1 Cup all purpose flour

*2/3 cup vanilla soy milk (you can choose any plant milk you want here)

*1/3 cup + 2 tbs sugar

*1 tsp apple cider vinegar

*1 tsp vanilla extract

*3 tbs canola oil (or coconut)

*1 1/2 tsp baking powder

*1/4 tsp salt

See this content in the original post


  1. In a measuring cup, add in the apple cider vinegar, then pour plant milk to the 2/3 cup line. Add in the vanilla and oil and whisk well.

  2. Preheat oven to 350 F and grease a donut pan

  3. In a stand mixer or bowl, sift together the dry ingredients, then add the measuring cup with the wet ingredients. Mix until combined.

  4. Pour the mixture into your donut pan, making sure not to cover the center hole and bake for 15 minutes.

    ** I use a donut pan like the ones pictured, sold on Amazon. Click on the image to purchase these ones!

  5. Remove from the oven and let cool.

  6. Make a glaze by mixing together 1 cup powdered sugar and 2-3 tbs plant milk. I chose Ripple Chocolate milk to make a chocolate glaze. You can even use vegan coffee creamer in any flavor to satisfy your current craving!

  7. Once glaze is made, dip the donuts in, top down, then set aside to dry. The glaze will harden a little bit and perfectly compliment the soft donut.

Store in the fridge, if you can resist eating them all at once!

Share this recipe with your friends, or make it for them, just don’t keep it to yourself!

Keep cooking, friends!
