Kristin Cooks Plants

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2019 Resolutions

I decided to write out a list of my resolutions for this year and hang them on the wall of my office (let’s be real, my “office” is a small IKEA desk in my kids’ playroom) so I can see it on a daily basis and have a reminder of what I want to accomplish.

It took me quite some time to come up with this hefty list of resolutions, as I wanted them to not only be attainable, but also be something I felt passionate about. In life, I have noticed that being passionate about something makes those things more easily attainable and worth doing. If you are only doing something because you feel like you “should”, it won’t bring you joy and it won’t come easy.

Let’s break down my list:

  1. Learn to Paddleboard: I live in a city where a large river runs right through the middle. In the summer time, I constantly see people peacefully paddling down the river, splashing their friends, laughing, and just genuinely having a good time. I LOVE THE WATER, I would live on a house boat, a raft, whatever, as long as I’m near water. My main goal in life is to end up living by a beach and breathing in the salty air on the daily.

    Anyways, I’ve always wanted to try it, so FFS, I’m gonna learn!

  2. Stop Negative Self-Talk: This is a BIG one for me. I know everyone does this, well, probably except for Kanye West. I am always second guessing myself, doubting myself, and allowing myself to spew hurtful words into the mirror. It’s not only damaging to me, but to my kids when they hear it. This year, I will learn to love myself including all of my flaws, because in the end, if you don’t love you, who will?

  3. Eat Raw Vegan 2 Times a Week: So I’m just about to my 2-year veganversary and it’s safe to say, I can start to phase out the “transitional foods” that helped me go vegan. I’ve been a slave to processed, sugary junk food and it needs to stop. I’ve been fighting for the animals so far, and now it’s time to fight for my own health as well. So far, it’s been AMAZING. Those 2 days a week I feel so so so good. I don’t eat anything with an ingredient list, just whole, from the earth foods as they are. And it’s been so incredibly eye-opening. I’m not ready to do it full-time, but it is definitely something I look forward to each week!

  4. Make Date Night a Regular Thing: FOR REALS. My husband and I have 3 small kiddos, we live in a town with one family member, and I have a serious mistrust of babysitters. These things all work against date night. So this year, I am making it a priority to spend more time with my husband. Getting back to us as a couple is so important in our marriage, and I need to recognize that. I need to learn to be ok being away from my kids for short periods of time.

  5. Visit a Place/Town I’ve Never Been: Whether it’s an hour away or 10, I just want to see something outside of my own environment. We should all do this as often as possible, because it’s good for our minds and bodies to have new experiences. Sometimes monotony can a bad thing as it dampens our creativity and we begin to just “go through the motions” of everyday life without actually SEEING things. So, get out there and explore! **I really want to see the Redwoods, so cross your fingers that happens for us!

  6. Spend Less Time On My Worries: I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder in high school and I took medication for it up until 18 months ago. I weaned myself off the medication for several months (omg the detox was rough), but I had just woke up one day and decided I wanted to try and manage it on my own. It still sprouts up during certain triggers, but for the most part, I’m managing it well. I still have my worries, so I acknowledge them as part of my thought processes, but I also am working on not letting those triggers affect me so much.

  7. Recycle More: Oh how I wish I lived in a city that had curbside recycling pickup, but I don’t, so I need to make a point of creating a station in my home for recyclable goods. I will use less packaged goods and all-in-all buy less “stuff”. I plan on someday being able to volunteer with 4Ocean, a non profit that cleans up beaches, as soon as I’m able.

  8. Volunteer: Not sure where or what for, but I want it to be something that I can include my children. I believe it’s so important to get kids involved in helping others. It builds such character early on that sticks with them their whole life.

  9. Grow My Website: I’ve completely changed the way my website looks and functions. I’ve removed the paid meal plan options so I can focus more on my fans. I want to give you valuable information that you WANT to come back for more and share with your friends. I have a notebook filled with nearly un-readable notes of my brainstorming sessions.

  10. Practice Patience: I lose patience quickly, whether it be trying to put together IKEA furniture, or when my kids look me in the face and say “NO!”. I need to learn to take a step back, count to 10, and reset before getting frustrated.

  11. Learn a New Skill: Crocheting? Carpentry? Painting? Not sure yet, but whatever it is, I will give it my all even if I suck at it.

  12. Minimize “Stuff”: I’m already pretty on top of this one, as I absolutely loathe clutter. I get anxiety (one of my triggers) when there’s too much stuff on a counter top, too many unmatched socks, and especially knick-knacks. But even I start to collect too many things sometimes and I notice it when I walk in a room and I get instant anxiety. I want the kids to have less toys in their playroom but more art supplies, less small appliances on my counter, and I really need to let go of those old baby toys I just can’t seem to get rid of.

I write all these down not only for accountability, but also to hopefully inspire you create some resolutions that you are passionate about. It’s not too late to make a list, and only you can decide what goes on that list. Don’t let anyone tell you what your resolutions should be. Create, define, plan, and get after it! You got this!

With love and compassion,
