Vodka is Vegan

Vodka is Vegan

It had been a long day of running around getting groceries, going to the gym, cleaning house, and preparing dinner. For some reason the kids were all fighting and whiny, so I sent them to their room with a big bowl of popcorn, some art supplies, and turned on their favorite movie.

A Strawberry Lemonade Vodka cocktail

I made popcorn for myself and then decided that a nice little cocktail sounded really good, however my supplies were limited. I dug around the fridge looking for something to mix with a summery vodka (because that’s all I had) and couldn’t find anything. Well, i’m not “hardcore”, so I can’t just do shots like I used to. I was feeling defeated, when in the back of the fridge I saw a juice pouch barely peeking behind a bottle of ketchup. I reached back and grabbed it and noticed it was the exact same flavor as my vodka… SCORE! I cut the corner open and poured it into a mason jar with ice and vodka. It was super refreshing and I drank it slowly while watching my Netflix show. It was a perfect way to end a busy Friday.

Get creative, folks, that’s when the magic happens!


Swedish "Meat"balls

Swedish "Meat"balls

Vegan Nachos

Vegan Nachos